Who We Are

Event rentals, meetings and course space rentals, party room rentals, community events and services…we have it all!  Swansea Town Hall Community Centre is a City of Toronto Agency located in West Toronto, near High Park, just south of Bloor Street Runnymede subway station.  We have meeting rooms for a wide range of community programs and services for seniors, adults and children.  The Town Hall is also home to a number of community groups and plays host to a variety of enjoyable events throughout the year.  Contact us to inquire about renting space for your next event, meeting, party or course. 

Our building also houses a Toronto Public Health Dental Clinic and the Swansea Memorial Library.

Swansea Town Hall is located in the former Village of Swansea’s Municipal Building.  We are an Agency of the City of Toronto, one of 10 centres which make up the Association of Community Centres (AOCCs) in the City.  Swansea Town Hall is managed by a volunteer Board of Management appointed by the City of Toronto from the community.

Swansea Town Hall is a community resource for the Swansea area and the greater Toronto community.  The Town Hall is not for profit and as such, any administrative surpluses are returned to the city at year end.  Any administrative deficits are funded by the city upon council approval.

There is an independent entity called the Swansea Town Hall Association which primarily nominates candidates to Toronto and East Community Council for appointment to the Board of Management.


Swansea Town Hall is a locally based organization that promotes community building.  We promote a variety of activities and services for all ages by offering welcoming, accessible and affordable space; hosting public services and providing community programming


To be the centre of choice in our community


  • Community (All ages & interests, Diversity, Responsive to our locality)
  • High Quality Environment (Accessible, Affordable, Safe, Well-maintained)
  • Heritage (Value the past, Respect the historical character)
  • Adaptability (Embrace the future, Evolve and change)

Swansea & Our Building Origins

The Village of Swansea…looking back.

Swansea is the green hilly area in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, bounded on the west by the Humber River, on the north by Bloor Street, on the east by High Park and on the south by Lake Ontario.  On the first maps used by French explorers this area was known by its Mississauga tribe name, “Toronto”, the meeting place.  The Iroquois name for the major settlement in the area was Teiaiagon.

Swansea is rich in indigenous history.  Swansea Town Hall acknowledges the land we are on is the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples and is now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Metis peoples.  We also acknowledge that Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississauga of the Credit.  

Swansea traces its modern history from the arrival of Etienne Brule, a contemporary of Samuel De Champlain.  In 1615, Brule explored the southern reaches of the Humber River where it flows into Lake Ontario and established a French influence in the area, which would persist for almost the next century and a half.  In about 1792 Jean Baptiste Rousseau became the first permanent settler in Swansea when he established a trading post on the Swansea side of the Humber River, possibly on the site of the original French Fort.

Following the success of the British at the Plains of Abraham, English traditions gradually grew in Swansea.  According to a popular legend, during the War of 1812, a determined but foolhardy band of British soldiers lost their lives trying to cross Swansea’s largest body of water during a February storm.  Others say that no soldiers drowned there, but rather it was the red coated soldiers from the Fort that hunted and fished by the pond that gave it its name.  Whatever the origin, that body of water has been popularly known since as Grenadier Pond.

During the latter part of the 19th Century, the area we now know as Swansea was called Windermere because, to the many immigrants from the British Isles, its hills, valleys, and seven ponds resembled the Lake Windermere area of the Lake District in the north of England.  No one seems certain as to how the community became known as Swansea.  Some say it was because of all the immigrants from Swansea, Wales in the United Kingdom that settled here; others attribute it to the Bolt Works that carried the Swansea name.  It is thought that the owner of the local Bolt Works, James Worthington, came from Swansea in Wales, so perhaps the truth lies somewhere in between. 

In 1926, Swansea had grown to such a size that it was able to successfully petition to become independent from the Township of York and was incorporated as a village with a population of 3,255 persons and a superstructure of 908 buildings.  By 1936, Swansea had grown to become the second largest village in the Province of Ontario.  The Swansea Public School Board, Swansea Volunteer Fire Brigade, Swansea Police Force and Swansea Memorial Library were soon woven into the fabric of the Village.

The names of some of the area’s earliest settlers are remembered in the streets and parks that bear their names – John Howard, John Ellis, Mark Coe, William Rennie, James Worthington.  The solid civic foundation provided a wellspring of Swanseaites whose names many Canadians will recognize, including: naturalist J. A. Harvey; politician David Crombie; architect John Gemmell; developer Robert Home Smith; broadcaster Moses Znaimer; authors Lucy Maud Montgomery and Bernice Thurman Hunter; and Ontario’s first woman Reeve, Dorothy Hague.

The Building at 95 Lavinia

1959-1966 Our building served as the Swansea Municipal Building for the independent Village of Swansea.
1967-1987 In 1967, by order of the Province, Swansea was amalgamated into the City of Toronto.  Swansea still retains its proud and independent traditions which are symbolized by its former municipal building, now simply called the Swansea Town Hall.  During this period the building was operated by the City of Toronto’s Parks and Recreation division.
1987-1991 Swansea Town Hall continued to serve as the centre of the political, cultural and social life of the Swansea and Bloor West communities.
1991-1993 During this period the building was renovated with funds from the lease of the land to the adjacent James T. Bonham Residence.  Room names include some of our historic Swansea residents such as Hague, Gemmell and Harvey.
1993-present  Swansea Town Hall is governed by a community Board of Management appointed by City Council to provide cost effective, user friendly community access to all, with priority to the local community.

Swansea Building Origins

Please contact us at
(8am to 10pm Mon-Fri and 9am to 5pm Sat)

Contact us for more information on room rentals, programs & community services at Swansea Town Hall Community Centre