Through the Garden Gate: Swansea

Toronto’s largest annual tour of the most beautiful private gardens. This walkable, self-guided
tour will showcase over 20 residential gardens in the west-end neighbourhood of Swansea,
known for its historic properties, vibrant shopping and dining in Bloor West Village, and some
pretty amazing gardeners!

In addition to exclusive garden entry, ticket holders will have access to “hop on/hop off” shuttle buses circling the garden route, live music in select gardens, and a chance to ask questions with knowledgeable Toronto Master Gardeners stationed in each garden. All proceeds support the Toronto Botanical Garden.

Saturday, June 8, and Sunday, June 9, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
One-Day Pass, Public $45, TBG Member $40
Two-Day Pass, Public $70, TBG Member $65
Student/Child Pass, $25
Buy your tickets online today!

Please contact us at
(8am to 10pm Mon-Fri and 9am to 5pm Sat)

Contact us for more information on room rentals, programs & community services at Swansea Town Hall Community Centre